Monday, December 8, 2014

Day 47

Ali has her whelping box set up, we are just a little more than 2 weeks out from the big day. She's been nesting in the bushes, so it was time to make sure she had her place to prepare for her new arrivals. She's been very sleepy, and if it's not nailed down, she's going to eat it.... pretty hungry! Her meals have been split into several a day to help with that and also she's full of babies, it's harder for her to eat big meals (though she would be happy to give it a shot!) She still gets to go on her daily walks, though she's enjoying walking and trotting around rather than her usually full out galloping mode.

We are also preparing, getting the last few items we need to get ready. Puppy collars are made and a new scale to weigh the pups every day to ensure they are gaining weight as they should.

This is what's happening in that belly this week:

  • Puppies are well-developed, and now begin attaining size in preparation for birth. 
  • You may be able to see/feel the puppies' movements in your bitch's abdomen.
Here are her weekly update photos!

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