Thursday, April 30, 2015


Long day for all of us, puppies especially. Today was tail docking and dew claw removal.  They were brave little babies and did well. They are home now nursing, and being well comforted. I've  hit the point of utter exhaustion. Hoping we all get some sleep tonight. 

Brownie singing

She's always been one to talk, a lot. She has a lot to say! :) you can hear Green talking in the background a bit too, but he's burried under Red and mama's leg, so it's not as loud.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Some cute photos

Just some random photos I've taken today, giving them lots of kisses for you :)

Blue, Brownje, Red and Green (I put the smaller guys on to get extra nursing several times a day and Blue to get all the cleaning so the other three can nurse, gotta have a plan with Story, Mother Of The Year :) These guys are all definitely Weimaraners! 

Lemon and Lime hanging out :)

Blue boy wedged himself under mom's arm, enjoying a nice snuggle :)

48 hours old

Here's a video I just took :)

Everyone is doing well

So far everyone continues to gain weight and get louder and stronger. Orange boy gave what sounded suspiciously like a bark just a minute ago. He'd be ahead of the curve on that one... Sounds like his father, Logan enjoys a good conversation :)

Blue is still our biggest but Orange and Purple aren't far behind! Then Yellow, Pink and Brownie in the middle and Green and finally Red picking up the rear. Little but mighty those two!

They had their first pedicure, mom was pretty unhappy when they yelled about it, thing is I wasn't even clipping. Like I said, a little opinionated! Both mom and dad relax and allow toe dremeling but that's more how YOU train them as they grow up, cookies help a lot. But they will understand toe trimming, which is so important to your dog. It sounds crazy, but long toe nails can cause the entire structure of your dog to change and allows more injuries. So we train them young, then you get to run with the ball when they go home :)

Here are the kids today:

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Meet the children

Mama Story is doing really well and the babies are all gaining and doing what they should be doing; eating, sleeping, pooping and yelling!  They get the whole households attention when something doesn't go their way and we all go rushing in.  If I'm already there (which is more often than not) Logan and Nik have to come in and see what the problem is.  Really sweet!

Without further ado... meet the kids in order of their appearance:

Pink Girl

Red Girl (for Mama Story, who was Red!)

Yellow Girl

Green Boy (for Daddy Logan!)

Orange Boy

Blue Boy (who is our biggest!)

Brownie girl

 Purple Girl, our last pup!

 I promise, there are 8 pups in there somewhere :)

Long first night

I won't lie. I am beat.  But, the mama dog is doing well, completely in love and obsessed with her children and babies are doing great. They held steady or gained in the first 24 hours thanks to mamas (I take some credit if I may!) hard work and long night. Story is making lots of milk and these puppies are chow hounds :)

I wanted to go through and do individual photos of each pup this morning. But that's gonna have to wait. I'm just too tired. I'll try this afternoon.

Here's group shots instead :)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

No action

No action yet. Temp is holding steady, though she's slowing down on the eating and upping the nesting.  We are about as ready as can be. I think the pups are rioting and trying to find their own exit! Very active! Hopefully that slows down and they rest up for their upcoming journey.

As Jodi called it, "Baby Watch 2015" keep her and the kids in your thoughts!

Daddy dog, Logan

Mama dog, Story :)

Saturday, April 25, 2015


They are still rocking and rolling in there!

Commonly prior to going into labor dogs temps will dive to about 97* (average is 101.2*) before spiking back up. Usually they will go into labor 24-48 hours later. Also, they will start to refuse meals. They will also want to nest. And the puppies go "silent" preparing for their journey. 

I take her temp every 8-12 hours to watch for this, so far, it's not gotten down to 97 unless it did and spiked back quickly, but I doubt I missed it. 

She's eating

She wants to nest, but would prefer to be in my bed. 

And the pups are obviously throwing a heck of a party in there. 

Put that all together and I doubt we will have pups today or tonight. Best case scenario is going to be tomorrow, probably tomorrow night. More likely looking at Monday. 

Hang in there and send Story and the babies good thoughts we can use them all :)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Father bonding time

And yes they are rolling around and punching and kicking him :) They say, "Dad! Your noggin is heavy!" 

X-ray! They should arrive probably Sunday or Monday! 

No I wasn't digging

"So, no. I wasn't digging... I like the Whelping box a lot." 


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sleeping in

Today I start my week off with Story! I'm
So relieved not to have to go to work and spend all day completely terrified that she will need me and I won't be there. So to celebrate she had 2 breakfasts in bed and slept in :) she is very clingy right now, she's practical another appendage!

Her temp is still up and down, but decidedly headed down. When it drops and then pops back up they usually go into labor within 24 hours. As it issues still above the drop point and eating. So no pups today and probably not tomorrow. Personally I'd prefer she hold off till Sunday and have them thoroughly cooked through :) keep baking those babies Story!

She's doing great over all. Has tough time making it onto the bed, you can see it's a lot more work than she's used to. 

We practice in the whelping box every day, but she says she has 4 perfectly serviceable dens outside.... So, she's good!  She does jump into the box but that's mostly because I told her to. We will fill in the dens after she has the pups! I have a huge one next to the AC unit, she was really industrious, I'll have to get a photo :) the others are under bushes.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Yes, but what about second breakfast?!

We've had to further breakdown mealtimes for Story. So she gets two breakfasts, two dinners and free fed while I'm at work (left in her area to avoid Logan pigging out!) if she gets too large of a meal she gets sick, poor girl, the kids are taking up all the space in there! Thanks to my friend Marcie for hashing out how much and what to do.

Joey, one of the kids future parents, this one is for you. Second breakfast in bed :) but to add its dehydrated raw mixed with canned tripe. So..... May want to make a recipe modification!

Babies are really active I assume the little ones below her ribs on her left and then a little higher on her right are really busy. Almost always get action when you touch her belly there. 

Can't wait to meet them all!