Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sleeping in

Today I start my week off with Story! I'm
So relieved not to have to go to work and spend all day completely terrified that she will need me and I won't be there. So to celebrate she had 2 breakfasts in bed and slept in :) she is very clingy right now, she's practical another appendage!

Her temp is still up and down, but decidedly headed down. When it drops and then pops back up they usually go into labor within 24 hours. As it issues still above the drop point and eating. So no pups today and probably not tomorrow. Personally I'd prefer she hold off till Sunday and have them thoroughly cooked through :) keep baking those babies Story!

She's doing great over all. Has tough time making it onto the bed, you can see it's a lot more work than she's used to. 

We practice in the whelping box every day, but she says she has 4 perfectly serviceable dens outside.... So, she's good!  She does jump into the box but that's mostly because I told her to. We will fill in the dens after she has the pups! I have a huge one next to the AC unit, she was really industrious, I'll have to get a photo :) the others are under bushes.

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