Saturday, April 25, 2015


They are still rocking and rolling in there!

Commonly prior to going into labor dogs temps will dive to about 97* (average is 101.2*) before spiking back up. Usually they will go into labor 24-48 hours later. Also, they will start to refuse meals. They will also want to nest. And the puppies go "silent" preparing for their journey. 

I take her temp every 8-12 hours to watch for this, so far, it's not gotten down to 97 unless it did and spiked back quickly, but I doubt I missed it. 

She's eating

She wants to nest, but would prefer to be in my bed. 

And the pups are obviously throwing a heck of a party in there. 

Put that all together and I doubt we will have pups today or tonight. Best case scenario is going to be tomorrow, probably tomorrow night. More likely looking at Monday. 

Hang in there and send Story and the babies good thoughts we can use them all :)

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